sábado, 20 de março de 2010


Monday, May 19th, 2008


Today was the open house and everything was quite in a hurry. I did it all with the help of de director and Noemia, a kind coordinator. I saw a lot of profiles of students, each one with a picture, a lot of them with "quitter" written on it... Then I kept looking those profiles and thought: What happened to this kids? Where have they been?Unfortunately, the children rights are often tyranized by the adults. They are careless in a time that even ECA (children estatute) is stablished.It's right that the young keep together and learn with the adults of their species, but how long should the young human beings be under the rules of adults? Anyway, it's told that without rules, our species wouldn't have survived. Our evolution is completely based on the basics of rules and organization. The open house was quite difficult to me, because I was having trouble to understand the most technical parts. It has always been this way, I'm a very dispersive person, and usually need to organize myself better... Organization to learn.

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