quarta-feira, 5 de maio de 2010


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I was supposed to have gone to school to pick the children up. I haven’t gone because they are both in recovery (up seems to "Eduardo and Mônica from Legião Urbana)
I am astrologically native of Scorpio. Hmm! Some say we're rancorous, vindictive and we’ve not forgotten anything. But only those who are Scorpios?
I don’t know!
In my childhood I got very angry with the domineering attitudes of my mother who used the psychopath as an instrument of correction. She didn’t allow questions. She also did not allow we cried while she spanked us, which infuriated me internally. My father was just a masterful, but we hardly ever spoke because we almost never had issue ...
Then I was thinking of a future independence, as well as thinking about death as liberation.
In adolescence I kept brooding sadness of my childhood. Sometimes I thought we at home we had reach the limit of our relationship and I should leave …
After I started working somehow things have changed. Interestingly the money, even minimum wage, changes the relationships a lot. Up to today, they didn’t invented a faster seduction but perhaps not efficient.
I ended up marrying around 23. I had two children and I divorced after 30 years. I decided to try to return to the maternal home, but was refused. My child anger forgotten get back again …
But eventually, I ended up alone, overcoming a depression of four years, returning to work and walking to an economic independence. That said, I returned to have contact with my mother since my father died in 1995 and until a few days before we had nothing to say.
Sometimes we think the "bad luck" of having strong personalities, but sometimes I don’t know what to think.
I don’t know but I could never forget grievances or differences exchanged. I don’t like to see someone who mobbed me going through the same process, but I confess that I get happy when I see that there was justice.
It’s difficult, isn’t it? Narciso just think beautiful what is mirror. He only sees the hurts they caused, however, doesn’t remember what He has already caused.
It is very difficult to self-analysis. The easier criticism is always in the other direction.
Will It be true our gene is really selfish?
Well I asked that question, Am I selfish?
A lot things happen as torture, rape, violence of any sort and do I remember things from 30 years ago? Yes, I remember because maybe I really have some selfish. Nietzsche said that if his finger hurts no matter what your friend's hand is severed. It seems that we were designed for self-survival where the other only has value when it offers some help.
I can not say if astrology is correct or I’d believe more in Astronomy … But at least they also say that Scorpios are famous for their sensuality, not just by their anger ... rs

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