domingo, 26 de dezembro de 2010

The moon and I

Original post: July, 2008

The moon and I

Today I went to the Tivoli Mall in Santa Barbara do Oeste, and being that prior, the children and I went to the Observatory site, from Americana. We have seen the Jupiter planet (unforgettable) and the full moon up close (they said its brightness hindered the vision of the stars) …
I couldn’t let thinking: A long time we dreamed about stars, and where do we exactly step into?
At the mall, place chosen by the majority of middle class by its security and quiet shopping, we eat, go window shopping, you see people who dress much the same way and movies with wacky trailers.
Thinking about this all consumption is not difficult to project where so much garbage produced by both generations will stop. Probably the recyclable sector won’t stand…
There are plenty of plastic cups, many cans of cola, many tickets and debt credit card and many cigarette butts. Our species probably arrived at the height of its power to buy …
There are projections, especially from Mr. Algor, eco-political duty, denouncing it in the next few years maybe the machine with which I type no longer has a use and worse, we won’t be able to see the glow of the planet Jupiter and its two rings …
Thinking that Galileo faced a stark court and he was confined to his house because he wanted to prove the heliocentric… I believe that Italian, fascinated by the heavens, saw far more than our generation who have cell phones and plasma TVs, but they lost their perspective Free charm of seeing parts of the universe and to see a little more closely at the moon still unpolluted…

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