segunda-feira, 17 de maio de 2010

The future of an adult

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The future of an adult

On Friday, a temperamental student commented "My future is what matters to me." He has 16 years and I was just wondering ...
When I was 16 I thought the future was to become adults, marry, procreate, work, etc. All this came. Perhaps say that the future is growing old is not pessimism.
If we understand how, in the neo-liberal policy, that the future revolves around goals and objectives, then the future falls in what Shoppenhauer says that’s is pain and boredom. But if we understand that the future comes anyway, so we're just simplistic.
It’s strange, everything in us is so complex, inside and out. Thus, by association of ideas we complex the years that haven’t come yet and whatever we may provide, little or nothing could guess because everything somehow always seems different or sovereign.
Aging is the real future that we dare not imagine. We look around ancient buildings, but we ourselves could not imagine us centenarians ...
Aging is like losing dignity or identity.
With new technologies and hormones synthesized maybe we extrapolate from this appearance, perhaps it can last up to more. We don’t know yet what would be arrive at sixty years healthy, handsome and totally ready to diverse works ( will we extend the functional life span? ). Living so long (with the help of medicine), being beautiful for longer, make babies at 70, how would it be? How would it be to pass of hundred-year with frequency for the species?
The appearance postmodern attempts to override the nature fair and clear, in principles, and from this shock emerge the reflection: How will be the future of an adult?

Much work, little leisure

Monday, June 2, 2008

Much work, little leisure

Today my departure time was at 10:00 , I left at 10:15, but don’t know why I did not like the faces of my managers who seemed, in other hand, they haven’t enjoyed the time I was leaving.
This school is still nice, at the point where they notice our good work, but there were others however we did, it was like having done nothing.
It also occurred to me, in my childhood, much as I did my mom was there totally dissatisfied.
Also work on weekends from 9:00 to 13:00, in a program called the Family School. There, is very good, full of tired college students, but hopeful. However, I just see my boyfriend at the times left over and I'm not sleeping.
In the eighteenth century and in Brazil until Getúlio Vargas, the people worked until 18 hours, and also they were not noticed and did not have many rights. Then came laws and regulated the work, before servile, now salaried worker. But did modern people begin to work less? For a while yes, but then the desire to have car, home, land, clothes, jeans, etc. was higher and free will, everyone decided to have more than one job and less time for leisure.
The song by the Skank, "The road only exists when you pass."
In fact, we choose to work and work hard, we believe that quality of life can only improve if the money comes. Today leisure is almost vagabond ...


Monday, May 26, 2008


Back from holiday, back to work … A struggle to raise children at 6.30 a m to go to school. Now at home, before leaving the house in order, I'm trying to resist eating a chocolate that is likely to passport about two pounds more. I don’t know if I'm difficult, if we are difficult or if the human specie is difficult. After much choosing and being chosen, now called the Age of Reason, which is the frontal cortex that guides actions and no more hormones. Here comes a relationship. Everything is very good, although he and I are tough, we all want to keep our reasons, don’t we? And in the difficult and useless art of trying to keep our opinions, sometimes we lose people. They say that all couples, even if not married, they contest themselves. Interesting that when there aren’t more challengers, it seems to have lost our reason for existence. Many people isolate themselves without knowing, therefore arrive a level of divinity where all others are "less". It’s Interesting, if you understand the anatomy of the brain, for example, you will see that there is no use billions of neurons. If they do not communicate or interact the organ loses its function ... Everything is a matter of communication ... Many loves leave frustrated without knowing how much were lovers ...

The secret post-holiday

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Secret post-holiday

Today is post-holiday, I woke up at 9:00 p m …
I made that mentoring described in "The Secret". One where we imagine a house of
$ 1,000,000.00, an imported car Honda, tip line, all debts paid ( old creditors now cocking you ), an income paycheck of $ 10,000.00, a job where no longer have to die in combat, Brazilian taxes going down for the middle class, a body in shape, in other words, everything that is currently impossible ... According to supporters of the laws of mentalization or spreadsheets from goal, every desire is perfectly possible.
These supporters say the world is from everyone and everything here belongs to everyone.
Well, if you analyze the Bible, It says, " humbled will be exalted and the exalted shall be humbled," "Trust me, your God" ...
Historically these assumptions proceed . See the Egyptians ruled the world for 5000 years. Rules the roost and enslaved the Jews ... Besides them, the Middle ages also enslaved them, robbed them, etc. and now they are in power and Israel is the stronger state of the world, after all since the 60's fight against world Arab and wins ...
Now the Americans are in economic crisis, something the world of common sense neither had imagined as. Without saying that there is an african descent, Obama, as president, after so many martyrs like Martin Luther King and the Ku Klus Klan.
In Brazil “the old left”, so persecuted, is in power. “The ancient right”, so full of rules in the 60s, is in power. ..
Without telling that nowadays anyone, in earlier decades doomed to oblivion, may have their ten minutes of fame through channels like YouTube and Orkut. And all without being a millionaire, which somehow takes the fame of artists such as Brad Pitt ...
Really need the "Secret" came out at least in salary, the amount of $ 1000.000,00 wait anymore ... Maybe that page is read a day?
I conclude with a famous phrase from the most graceful I could read, Millor Fernandes: "Dictatorship is when you order, democracy is that when I command."

quarta-feira, 5 de maio de 2010


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I was supposed to have gone to school to pick the children up. I haven’t gone because they are both in recovery (up seems to "Eduardo and Mônica from Legião Urbana)
I am astrologically native of Scorpio. Hmm! Some say we're rancorous, vindictive and we’ve not forgotten anything. But only those who are Scorpios?
I don’t know!
In my childhood I got very angry with the domineering attitudes of my mother who used the psychopath as an instrument of correction. She didn’t allow questions. She also did not allow we cried while she spanked us, which infuriated me internally. My father was just a masterful, but we hardly ever spoke because we almost never had issue ...
Then I was thinking of a future independence, as well as thinking about death as liberation.
In adolescence I kept brooding sadness of my childhood. Sometimes I thought we at home we had reach the limit of our relationship and I should leave …
After I started working somehow things have changed. Interestingly the money, even minimum wage, changes the relationships a lot. Up to today, they didn’t invented a faster seduction but perhaps not efficient.
I ended up marrying around 23. I had two children and I divorced after 30 years. I decided to try to return to the maternal home, but was refused. My child anger forgotten get back again …
But eventually, I ended up alone, overcoming a depression of four years, returning to work and walking to an economic independence. That said, I returned to have contact with my mother since my father died in 1995 and until a few days before we had nothing to say.
Sometimes we think the "bad luck" of having strong personalities, but sometimes I don’t know what to think.
I don’t know but I could never forget grievances or differences exchanged. I don’t like to see someone who mobbed me going through the same process, but I confess that I get happy when I see that there was justice.
It’s difficult, isn’t it? Narciso just think beautiful what is mirror. He only sees the hurts they caused, however, doesn’t remember what He has already caused.
It is very difficult to self-analysis. The easier criticism is always in the other direction.
Will It be true our gene is really selfish?
Well I asked that question, Am I selfish?
A lot things happen as torture, rape, violence of any sort and do I remember things from 30 years ago? Yes, I remember because maybe I really have some selfish. Nietzsche said that if his finger hurts no matter what your friend's hand is severed. It seems that we were designed for self-survival where the other only has value when it offers some help.
I can not say if astrology is correct or I’d believe more in Astronomy … But at least they also say that Scorpios are famous for their sensuality, not just by their anger ... rs